Dieses Verzeichnis enthält folgenden Referenzen zu Publikationen (sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr und Autor):
Es befinden sich 469 Einträge in diesem Literaturverzeichnis.
Ellermeier W, and Schrödl S (2000).
Temporal weights for loudness comparisons.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 108:2596.
Emmerson S (ed.) (2000).
Music, Electronic Media and Culture.
Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, England.
Lewis G (2000).
Too many notes: Computers, complexity and culture in Voyager.
Leonardo Music Journal, 10:33-39.
Loubet E (2000).
Laptop performers, compact disc designers, and no-beat techno artists in Japan: music from nowhere.
Computer Music Journal, 24(4):19–32.
Matsuda S, and Rai T (2000).
DIPS : the real-time digital image processing objects for Max environment.
In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, International Computer Music Association.
Miranda E (2000).
Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence.
Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam.
Pearce M (2000).
Generating rhythmic patterns: A combined neural and evolutionary approach.
Master thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Schubotz RI, Friederici AD, and von Cramon DY (2000).
Time perception and motor timing: A common cortical and subcortical basis revealed by fMRI.
NeuroImage, 11:1-12.
Smith S (2000).
Compositional strategies of the hip-hop turntablist.
Organised Sound, 5(2).
Stecker GC, and Hafter ER (2000).
An effect of temporal asymmetry on loudness.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 107(6):3358-3368.
Stobart H, and Cross I (2000).
The Andean anacrusis? Rhythmic structure and perception in Easter songs of Northern Potosí, Bolivia.
British Journal of Ethnomusicology, 9(2):63-94.
Thom B (2000).
Artificial intelligence and real-time interactive improvisation.
In: AAAI Music and AI Workshop, Austin, TX.
Toiviainen P, and Synder J (2000).
The time course of pulse sensation: Dynamics of beat induction.
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Music Perception and Cognition, Keele.
Brandt E, and Dannenberg RB (1999).
Time in distributed real-time systems.
In: Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference.
Chaudhary A, Freed A, and Wright M (1999).
An Open Architecture for Real-Time Audio Processing Software.
In: Proc. of the Audio Engineering Society 107th Convention, Audio Engineering Society.
Desain P, and Honing H (1999).
Computational models of beat induction: The rule-based approach.
Journal of New Music Research, 28(1):29-42.
Deutsch D (ed.) (1999).
The Psychology of Music.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2nd ed.
Drake C, Cros L, and Penel A (1999).
How fast is that music? The relation between physical and perceived tempo.
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Music Perception and Cognition, Seoul National University.
Godsmark D, and Brown GJ (1999).
A blackboard architecture for computational auditory scene analysis.
Speech Communication, 27:351-366.
Griffith N, and Todd PM (ed.) (1999).
Musical Networks: Parallel Distributed Perception and Performance.
MIT Press, Cambrdige, MA.
Klapuri s (1999).
Sound onset detection by applying psychoacoustic knowledge.
In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), pp. 3089-3092.
Large EW, and Jones MR (1999).
The dynamics of attending: How people track time-varying events.
Psychological Review, 106(1):119-59.
Lewis G (1999).
Interacting with latter-day musical automata.
Contemporary Music Review, 18(3):99-112.
Musse SR, Kallmann M, and Thalmann D (1999).
Level of autonomy for virtual human agents.
In: ECAL '99: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Advances in Artificial Life, pp. 345-349, London, UK, Springer Verlag.
Paradiso J (1999).
The brain opera technology: New instruments and gestural sensors for musical interaction and performance.
Journal of New Music Research, 28(2):130-49.